Refugees: Algeria awarded by African Human Rights Commission

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APS : Saturday, 04 May 2019
ALGIERS – Algeria, a country which hosts Africa’s oldest refugee camp has been awarded on the occasion of the 64th ordinary meeting of the African Human and Peoples Rights Commission,
held in Sharm El Cheikh (Egypt), from 24 April to 14 May 2019, said Saturday the Foreign ministry in a communiqué.
This recognition is part of the African Union’s celebration of the theme of the year 2019 “Year of Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons: for Sustainable Solutions to Forced Displacement in Africa,” which coincides with the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1969 OAU Convention Governing the Specific Aspects of Refugee Problems in Africa, added the same source.
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights “also pays tribute to the generosity and hospitality of the Algerian people and to our country’s commitment to refugees and asylum seekers, whether they are representatives of liberation movements, political opponents, Palestinian and Syrian nationals, but especially the tens of thousands of Sahrawi refugees it has been hosting in camps in the Tindouf region for more than four decades,” added the Foreign ministry communiqué.
This award “constitutes a fair recognition of our country’s solidarity with the Sahrawi refugees, but also a reminder to the international community of the situation of these refugees who have been waiting, for nearly half a century, for their repatriation, freely granted as part of the implementation of a lasting solution to their situation, based on the right of their people to self-determination.”
“The study launched in November 2016 by an inter-sectoral technical group in Tindouf, under the auspices of UNHCR, in collaboration with UNICEF, WFP and a consortium of NGOs activating in the camps, indicates that the number of Sahrawi refugees living in the camps near Tindouf was 173 600 on December 31, 2017, ” recalled the same source.

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