Italy wants to “further” boost relations with Algeria

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ALGIERS- Italy wants to further strengthen its relations with Algeria, the Italian Interior minister Luciana Lamorgese, who is on a visit to Algeria, said Tuesday in Algiers.
“We reiterate our commitment to further strengthening our longstanding relationship with Algeria,” Lamorgese told reporters following the audience granted to her by President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune.
She added that her visit was also an “opportunity” to stress her country’s willingness to cooperate with Algeria in several areas.
Lamorgese said she had discussed with President Tebboune cooperation between the two countries in the field of security and in civil protection in case of disaster, including natural disaster.
The Italian minister said she had expressed to the president of the Republic her country’s appreciation for “this new page that opens in Algeria”.
She also said she had expressed Italy’s “thanks” to Algeria for its help when her country faced the coronavirus epidemic.
Lamorgese said President Tebboune asked her to convey his greetings to his Italian counterpart, Sergio Mattarella.

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