Sonatrach announces drilling of well in Hassi Bir Rekaiz perimeter

APS : Tuesday, 22 March 2016
ALGIERS- Group Sonatrach and its Thai and Chinese partners (PTTEP) and (CNOOC) announced the drilling of the well Rhourde Ez Zita-1 bis (REZ-1 bis),
included in the drilling campaign of the 3rd search phase, as part of Hassi Bir Rekaiz contract, said Tuesday Sonatrach in a communiqué.
The well REZ-1 bis, which reaches 4.037 meter final depth, produced 40.7 m3/h of oil as from the inferior reservoir Trias Argileux Gréseux (TAGI) and 2 m3/h of oil as from the Ordovicien reservoir, said Sonatrach.
The results of the well added to those already recorded during the drilling campaign, started late 2011, just confirmed the “important” potential of Hassi Bir Rekaiz perimeter, added Sonatrach.
As part of this partnership contract, Sonatrach holds 51% of shares while CNOOC has 24.5% and PTTEP, in charge of operating during search phase owns 24.5%.

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