Guitouni discusses in Muscat with GECF president

APS : Sunday, 21 January 2018
ALGIERS- The minister of Energy Mustapha Guitouni held discussions Saturday, in Muscat (Sultanate of Oman), with the president of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF) Yury P. Sentyurin said the ministry in a communiqué.
During this meeting, held before the holding of the joint OPEC, non-OPEC follow-up meeting, the two officials broached the prospects of markets and gas industries in the world, said the source.
The two sides also discussed the roadmap to be applied for the implementation of the Gas Research Institute in Algeria.
As a reminder, during the 19th GECF meeting, held on 4 October 2017 in Moscow (Russia), the members of the forum decided, on a suggestion from Algeria, to create the GECF Gas and Research Institute in Algeria which is “a historic decision and an important step in the strengthening of the GECF and in the deepening of cooperation between our countries,” said the minister.
The institute will be an excellent tool “that will allow improving our activities all along the gas chain and exchange the best of practices,” added Guitouni.

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