(English) Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Palestine

Съжаляваме, тази публикация е налична само на Английски (Сащ), Френски и Арабски.

Algeria welcomed the adoption, by an overwhelming majority of the United Nations General Assembly’s members, of a resolution backing the right of the State of Palestine to become a full member of the United Nations.

Algeria considers, according to the statement, that the adoption of this historic resolution confirms the international consensus around three extremely clear, precise and important political messages to the Israeli colonial occupier, in this crucial situation that the Palestinian question is experiencing, namely:

Firstly, the establishment of the State of Palestine is an absolute necessity, which cannot be subject to manipulation, procrastination or controversy, in view of the efforts aimed at achieving a comprehensive solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Secondly, the creation of this Palestinian State must be the starting point and the objective of any serious political process that aims to achieve a just, lasting and definitive settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Thirdly and lastly, the international community does not recognize the Israeli colonial occupier’s right to oppose the establishment of a Palestinian State, because the latter is the result of an impeccable international consensus that the occupying power can neither neglect nor oppose.

Thus, Algeria intends to pursue its efforts within the Security Council, in full coordination with its Palestinian brothers and other Arab brothers, and with all its spheres of belonging that support the Palestinian cause, in order to support this international consensus on the establishment of an independent and sovereign Palestinian State, the sole and only means of settling the Palestinian issue and restoring peace, security and stability in the region of the Middle East.

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