Messahel receives Libyan political leaders, MPs

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APS : Sunday, 26 February 2017
ALGIERS- Minister of Maghreb Affairs, African Union and Arab League Abdelkader Messahel has received, Sunday in Algiers, a Libyan delegation made up of national personalities, political leaders and MPs, all involved in the inter-Libyan dialogue, said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement.
The Libyan delegation’s visit to Algeria is part of the consultation led by Algeria with all stakeholders on the Libyan political scene with the aim to further bridging positions of the different Libyan parties, said the statement.
The discussions “focused on ways and means to help strengthening the process for the Libyan crisis settlement, the only option to preserve the unity and territorial integrity of Libya and the cohesion of its people,” added the statement.
The members of the Libyan delegation outlined the realities of the political situation in Libya, and the recent developments in this country, particularly in Tripoli.
They also underlined the importance and urgent need to resolve the crisis and end the current deadlock, said the Ministry’s statement.
For his part, Messahel recalled “Algeria’s commitment in favour of stability in Libya and expressed regret over the recent clashes in the capital Tripoli, adding that they do not contribute to restoring peace and security in the country.”
Algeria “condemns any escalation and urges all Libyan parties to make every effort to prevent new clashes,” said Messahel.
He also reiterated “Algeria’s willingness to continue its action aiming at bridging the positions of Libyan parties, as well as its continuous efforts at the regional level and among international partners for a rapid and lasting political solution to the crisis.”
In this regard, Messahel underlined the vital importance of the inclusive inter-Libyan dialogue to achieve national reconciliation, without any foreign intervention, and the establishment of strong and legitimate institutions, especially a unified national army, in the service of all Libyans.
The minister reaffirmed Algeria’s continuous support to the UN-sponsored process for the settlement of the Libyan crisis, and recalled the “responsibility of the UN, especially the Security Council, in the resolution of the crisis in Libya,” added the statement.
For their part, the Libyan representatives “hailed Algeria’s consistent stance and its efforts in favour of a political solution, in accordance with the Libyan accord of 17 December 2015,” concluded the Ministry’s statement.

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