Fight against terrorism: Convergence of views between Algiers, London

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APS : Tuesday, 13 December 2016
LONDON- The convergence of viewpoints between Algiers and London in the fight against terrorism was reaffirmed Monday, in London, in the 7th session of the strategic bilateral dialogue between Algeria and the United Kingdom, said Minister of Maghreb Affairs, African Union and Arab League Abdelkader Messahel.
In a statement to APS on the sidelines of the meeting that he chaired jointly with British National Security Adviser Mark Lyall-Grant, Messahel underlined that the “convergent” positions of Algiers and London on the analyses and the means of the action to be implemented within the framework of global counterterrorism.
He said that the meeting was devoted to political and security issues as well as exchange of views on “the conflicts threatening the peace and security in our region and the Mediterranean, notably the situation in Libya and Sahel region.”
The meeting, “very useful,” allowed exchanging analyses and viewpoints of the two sides on the different issues on the agenda, particularly the fight against terrorism and deradicalisation, said Messahel, adding that the two sides exchanged their experiences on this matter.
“The role of democracy in Algeria as a major factor of fight against the phenomenon of radicalisation as a successful experience,” was also broached in this meeting, he said.
Exchanges of analyses and views were the main focus of today’s consultations, in addition to the threat of the scourge of terrorism on peace and stability in the world and the need for more effective and coordinated fight against it.
Concerning the situation in Libya, Messahel said that they discussed ways “to converge all the views so that to progress together towards a political solution” in this country.

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