Currently browsing: Информация

(English) Speech of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the National Community Abroad, Mr. Ahmed Attaf, at the conclusion of the twentieth session of the African-Nordic Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.

Съжаляваме, тази публикация е налична само на Арабски. أصحاب المعالي والسعادة، السيدات والسادة، الحضور الكرام، […]

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(English) Minister Attaf receives the person in charge of running the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the National Unity Government of the State of Libya

Съжаляваме, тази публикация е налична само на Арабски. على هامش أشغال الاجتماع الوزاري لدول افريقيا […]

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(English) Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Ahmed Attaf, on the occasion of the Afro-Nordic Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

Съжаляваме, тази публикация е налична само на Арабски. الكلمة الافتتاحية لمعالي وزير الشؤون الخارجية والجالية […]

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(English) Minister Attaf oversees the official opening of the 20th session of the Ministerial Meeting of African and Northern European Countries

Съжаляваме, тази публикация е налична само на Арабски. أشرف وزير الشؤون الخارجية والجالية الوطنية بالخارج، […]

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