Attacks in Saudi Arabia: President Bouteflika condemns "with utmost vigour appalling crimes"

Съжаляваме, тази публикация е налична само на Английски (Сащ), Френски и Арабски.

APS : Tuesday, 05 July 2016
ALGIERS-President of the Republic Abdelaziz Bouteflika sent a message of condolence to Sovereign of Saudi Arabia, Servant of the Holy Places of Islam, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, following the terrorist attacks that targeted Monday three towns in Saudi Arabia.
“We learnt with shock and indignation of the series of terrorist attacks that hit Monday the brotherly Kingdom of Saudi Arabia including the Holy Mosque of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him),” President Bouteflika wrote in his message.
“The fact that these appalling crimes, which Algeria condemns in the most vigorous terms, have been committed during the Holy month of Ramadan on the eve of Eid al-Fitr, shows to what extent these barbarous crimes that have plunged other peoples in grief, are foreign to Islam, a religion that values human life, promotes peace and peaceful coexistence and calls the Muslim nation to firmly react to these crimes part of unity and solidarity,” the Head of State said.
“In this painful ordeal, I offer, on behalf of the Algerian government and people and my own behalf, my deep condolences to the families of victims and assure the brotherly Saudi people and government, under your wise guidance, of our full solidarity,” President Bouteflika said.
“I pray Almighty God to preserve the brotherly Saudi Kingdom from any ordeal,” President Bouteflika concluded.

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