Algeria condemns severe violations by Israeli occupying forces against Palestinians at Aqsa mosque

Съжаляваме, тази публикация е налична само на Английски (Сащ), Френски и Арабски.

APS : Saturday, 22 July 2017
ALGIERS- Algeria has condemned Saturday the “severe violations and excesses” committed by the Israeli occupying forces Friday against the Palestinians in the Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings,
calling the international community to “immediate” put an end to those “criminal acts.”
“The severe violations and excesses, consisted in killings and arrests of the Palestinian faithful in the Aqsa and its surroundings committed by the occupying forces against the Palestinians denying them freedom of worship, are despicable terrorist crimes that we condemn and reject in the strongest terms,” the Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Abdelaziz Benali Cherif told APS.
“Facing the escalation of violence and the systematic practices aiming at judaizing the sacred symbols of Islam, we call upon the international community to immediately act to guarantee the protection of the Palestinian people and its sacred symbols, and put an end to the repeated and daily criminal acts against the Palestinian people in their occupied territories,” he added.
“We express the entire solidarity of Algeria with the Palestinian people and Government and reaffirm Algeria’s position in support of the Palestinian people and their just cause for the recovery of their legitimate rights, notably their right to establishing an independent State with al Quds as capital,” concluded the Foreign Ministry’s spokesman.

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