Boukadoum to Anadolu: Algiers works for territorial integrity of Libya

Съжаляваме, тази публикация е налична само на Английски (Сащ), Френски и Арабски.

APS : Sunday, 12 July 2020

ROME- Algeria continues its efforts to preserve Libya’s territorial integrity at a time when Algerian mediation is being sought by all Libyan parties, Foreign Minister Sabri Boukadoum told Turkish agency Anadolu.
“We do not want to separate the Libyans or take a position that could compromise Libya’s territorial integrity, future, peace and unity,” said the minister, in this interview granted to Anadolu, on the sidelines of his meeting in Rome with his Italian counterpart, Luigi Di Maio.
Algeria is working for “the territorial integrity, unity and stability of Libya (…) these are (issues) absolutely crucial for us,” he said.
The Foreign Minister reiterated Algeria’s objective to bring all Libyans together, reaffirming also its position which stands equidistant from the Libyan belligerents.
Algeria is working to “avoid the partition” of Libya, stressing that “such an eventuality would be dangerous for all, especially for the countries in the neighbourhood,” he added.
“Beyond the question of Algeria’s security (…) we must help them. And all Libyans have asked us to play this role and we are of course ready to assume it,” the minister said.
Boukadoum did not fail to recall Algeria’s support for the conclusions of the Berlin Conference on Libya, also citing the cooperation and exchange of views on the Libyan dossier with the neighbouring countries, Tunisia and Egypt.
In the same context, he called for the speedy appointment of a UN envoy for Libya, a post which has remained vacant since the resignation in March of the Lebanese mediator, Ghassan Salamé.
“We insist on the appointment of a special representative of the secretary-general as soon as possible,” he told Anadolu.

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