Turkish Foreign Minister begins two-day visit to Algeria

APS : Monday, 06 January 2020
ALGIERS- Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu began on Monday a two-day visit to Algeria, focusing mainly on the latest developments in Libya, the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
During this visit, Cavusoglu will hold talks with his Algerian counterpart, Sabri Boukadoum, “which will focus on the latest developments in the situation in Libya and the means to be implemented to transcend the current crisis and avoid the heavy consequences of a worsening of the situation for the brotherly Libyan people, but also for the neighboring countries and the entire Mediterranean and African space and even beyond,” the same source said.
The two ministers will also review “the state of bilateral relations and the means to give them greater impetus in all areas,” the source concluded.

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