Libyan, Malian crises: Messahel stresses in Oslo need for single agenda

APS : Tuesday, 19 June 2018
OSLO- Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdelkader Messahel took part Tuesday, as part of his participation in Oslo Forum, as a panelist in the session devoted to the situation in Libya,
alongside United Nations Special Envoy for Libya Ghassane Salame, German Minister of State Niels Annen and David Harlan, Director of the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue which co-organizes the forum with Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Messahel reiterated Algeria’s commitment to the stability of the region and Libya as well as its efforts to support the settlement political process led by the United Nations and accompany the Libyan players to reach a political solution based on dialogue and reconciliation.
He also added that the success of the settlement process in Libya “is greatly dependent on need that the Libyan players take over the initiative and reduction of initiatives which only complicate the situation in the country.”
Messahel also took part as a panelist in the session devoted to the situation in Mali alongside former Burundian President Pierre Buyoya, African Union High Representative for the Sahel.
In this regard, he welcomed the trust which is “progressively setting up among the Malian parties and their adoption of “the political process, as noted by the meeting on 29 May in Bamako with the United Nations Secterary General, members of the follow-up committee of the peace agreement, chaired by minister of Foreign Affairs.
He also called to support this positive momentum for sustainable and lasting return of stability and development in this country.

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