Italy, "fully ready" to "intensify" cooperation with Algeria

ALGIERS- Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte expressed on Thursday in Algiers the “full readiness” of his country to “intensify” cooperation with Algeria in various fields.
My visit to Algeria aims at “confirming the longstanding friendship of Italy to the Algerian people and reflecting the full readiness of the Italian government and people to intensify the bilateral cooperation in the political, economic, security and cultural fields,” said Conte following his meeting with President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune.
With regard to the economic sector, he pointed out the strategic partnership between the two countries, notably in energy field.
“We have discussed the prospect of exploring together several areas of cooperation, like SMEs and renewable energy,” he added
Broaching security, he said that Italy and Algeria have similar view and work together to restore the stability in the Mediterranean region and fight against terrorism, smuggling and the clandestine immigration.
The Italian Premier added that his country will always remain close to Algeria, praising the political and economic reforms engaged by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune.

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