Algeria/U.S.: Negotiations on extradition of one of two Algerian prisoners still detained in Guantanamo

APS : Monday, 27 February 2017
ALGIERS- Algeria and the United States are currently conducting negotiations around the extradition of one of the two Algerian prisoners still detained in Guantanamo said Monday, the minister of Justice Tayeb Louh.
Invited on the National Radio forum, Louh said that negotiations are ongoing between the Algerian ministry of Foreign Affairs and the American government concerning the extradition of one of the two Algerian prisoners still detained in Guantanamo.
The United States recently signed a convention with Algeria on the procedures of data exchange on organized crime and counterterrorism, as part of international solidarity in front of this kind of transcontinental crime.
Nineteen (19) Algerian prisoners detained in Guantanamo have already been repatriated to Algeria. They had a “fair trial,” some were acquitted and others were sentenced.

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