Algeria's counterterrorism experience is pertinent, says Thomas Shannon

APS : Saturday, 28 May 2016
WASHINGTON (United States)- US Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Thomas Shannon said Saturday, in Washington, that Algeria has the “pertinent experience” in the fight against terrorism.
“Algeria is our major partners, it has an experience that is very pertinent compared with the other countries of the Middle East and North Africa,” which are fighting against Jihadism, Shannon told à APS on the state and prospects of security cooperation between Algeria and the United States.
The US official said Algeria “has shown a great courage” in the fight against jihadism and managed to protect the State and citizens.
We believe that “we have a lot to learn” from the Algerian experience, Shannon stressed.
“Our (security) cooperation with Algeria is in motion, it is making constant progress,” the US diplomat said.
He added that extending bilateral cooperation to the transfer of technology “is a positive vision on which the two countries should work together.”
Shannon underlined that cooperation between the two countries needs to include a support to economic diversification in Algeria, through the development of American investments and bilateral trade.
He added that he had an “active discussion” with the Algerian authorities about the ways to promote US investments in Algeria, underlining the economic potential of Algeria which has significant oil and gas reserves and a manufacturing sector that may be an attractive platform for production and exportation to Europe.
Mentioning the crisis in Libya, shaken by terrorism, he stressed that Algeria was right about the settlement of the conflict through dialogue and diplomacy.

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