Algeria strongly condemns terrorist attacks on two mosques in New Zealand

APS : Friday, 15 March 2019
ALGIERS- Algeria condemns in the strongest terms the “criminal” terrorist attacks on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, Friday, killing 49 people and wounding about fifty others,
the spokesman of the ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abdelaziz Benali Cherif, said Friday.
“We condemn with the strongest terms the criminal terrorist attacks perpetrated today, 15 March 2019, against two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, and which have left many people dead, including women and children, who were there perform Friday prayer,” the spokesman of the ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.
“We bow our heads before the martyrdom of those innocent victims, extend our sincere condolences to their families and relatives, and express our compassion for the families of the injured.”
“Those acts of terror perpetrated by fanatical and extremist individuals that are under the influence of chauvinistic, discriminatory, racist and hate speech, call out to the conscience of humanity, and show the urgent need for an action, from all political actors, in every society in the world, to face, with all possible means, the speech and ideology of exclusion, discrimination and hate,” Benali Cherif said.
“The international community must increase efforts to fight xenophobia, under all its forms, through the values of peace, tolerance and living together.”

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