Algeria advocates successful AU institutional reform

ALGIERS-Algeria on Saturday advocated a successful institutional reform of the African Union (AU) given its major importance under the promotion of joint African action.
Algeria advocated an institutional reform of the organization in order to promote joint African action, keep pace with international changes and enable the AU to fully its missions at the Summit of the AU Heads of State and Government attended by Prime Minister Abdelaziz Djerad as representative of the President of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune.
Algeria reiterated its commitment to contribute to the success of the institutional reform process while taking into account the need to curb shortcomings and overcome the shortcomings reported by member countries.
This reform process should preserve the AU goals and principles and boost its performance to address current challenges, particularly the promotion of peace and security in the continent, the reinforcement of its role in the settlement of African conflicts, the revival of Africa’s economic development and the protection of Africa from foreign interference through sovereignty in decision-making.
In this regard, Algeria recalled that the AU institutional reform relies on the review of its working method and the reinforcement of coordination and coherence to ensure a better performance, urging further cohesion and complementarity in AU’s missions and efforts.
The reform process must ensure the guarantee of AU’s sustainable self-financing, particularly the operating and programme budget, with a view to protecting this organization from external influences, hence the need to rationalize expenditures and activate mechanisms for the admissibility of non-tolerance in the fight against corruption.
Algeria also advocated subjecting the new administrative structures under the commission to standards of competence, transparency and accountability in order to boost the organization’s performance and implement the programmes and decisions taken by the AU governing bodies.

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