Renewable energy: Algeria one of African major producers

APS : Monday, 04 June 2018
ALGIERS- Algeria is one the countries with the highest installed capacity in renewable energy and a major producer in the field in Africa, the Centre for Renewable Energy Development said Monday in a statement.
In reference to a report the expert network REN21 (Renewable Energy
Policy Network for the 21st Century) released Monday, the total renewable energy production capacity worldwide, including hydroelectric power, increased from 2,017 GW in 2016 to 2,195 GW in 2017.
China followed by the United States, Brazil, Germany then Indi are the countries that have the highest cumulative installed capacity in renewable energy worldwide.
Concerning Africa, the report mentioned South Africa (1.8 GW) and
Algeria (about 0.4 GW) as the countries with the highest installed capacity by the end of 2017.

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