(English) The newly appointed Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria presented the priorities of her mission in Bulgaria

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإنجليزية الأمريكية و البلغارية.


At a working meeting with the President of BCCI Tsvetan Simeonov, the newly appointed Ambassador of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria H.E. Mrs. Baya Bensmail presented the priorities of her mission in Bulgaria, which began just two weeks ago.

Tsvetan Simeonov presented BCCI’s achievements and cooperation with partners from Algeria – the Algerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Confederation of Algerian Employers, and acquainted the Ambassador with the activities of the Chamber in support of the business community in the country and abroad.

The diplomat praised highly the efforts made for the development of bilateral economic cooperation and stressed that she would like for them to deepen after the restrictions imposed because of the Covid-19 pandemic are lifted.

The Algerian government is constantly adopting reforms to attract economic partners from Africa, Asia and Europe. The reforms are both in the economic and political spheres, and contribute to the stabilization of the country. Ambassador Bensmail also pointed out specific conditions that create a favourable investment environment in the country.

It was agreed that BCCI, together with the Embassy of Algeria and local partners, would organize a bilateral business meeting at the end of March 2022, to present the economic and investment climate in both countries in order to activate business contacts between companies.

Among the goals of the Algerian Embassy in Sofia are to study the possibility of founding a Joint Business Council, as well as establishing links between regional business structures and chambers from both countries. Last but not least, the possibilities for resuming the participation of companies in exhibitions and fairs in both countries were discussed.

According to information of the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy, in the first six months of 2021 trade between Bulgaria and Algeria amounted to USD 54.6 million, registering an increase of 17.2% compared to the same period of 2020. Bulgarian exports amounted to USD 39.0 million (a decrease of 11.0%), while imports reached USD 15.6 million (a growth of 473%).

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