Paper version of founding texts of Algerian Republic published in Tamazight

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإنجليزية الأمريكية و الفرنسية.

Thursday, 18 August 2016 19:56
ALGIERS-The paper version of the founding texts of Algerian Republic translated into Tamazight has been edited in a special document (in book format).
Coedited by the High Council of Amazighity (HCA) and Algeria Press Service (APS), le document, made of 90 pages, includes texts translated into Tamazight like the Statement of 1st November 1954, the Platform of the Soummam Congress held on 20 August 1956 and the Algerian Constitution published in 2016.
Subdivided in three chapters, the document (transcribed in Latin characters) focuses on three original texts translated into Tamazight.
This full colour printed document includes “n Tighri Wember, 1954 (the Statement of 1 November 1954), n Tigheryent Ssumam (Platform of the Congress of Soummam) and “Tamendawt”(the Constitution).
In addition to a large format poster of the Statement of November 1, 1954 in Tamazight, the document is accompanied by CD including a recording in Tamazight of the Statement of November 1.

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