Lower House at Lisbon Forum on Youth, Security in Euro-Mediterranean region

عفوا، هذه المدخلة موجودة فقط في الإنجليزية الأمريكية و الفرنسية.

APS : Thursday, 15 November 2018
ALGIERS- The People’s National Assembly (Parliament’s Lower House) will take part on 15 and 16 November in Portugal in the 24th Lisbon Forum, said Wednesday a communiqué of the Assembly.
This forum, which will be held under theme “Youth, Peace and Security in the Euro-Mediterranean region: A contribution to implement resolution 2250 (2015),” will debate the uplifting of youth engagement in peace and democratic process in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Several themes will be broached during this meeting, including “the involvement of young people in conflict-ridden societies in the Euro-Mediterranean region” and “the multilateral approaches of peace process in this region.”
The Parliament’s Lower House will be represented in this forum by deputy Faiza Boudjamai.

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